Saturday, January 07, 2006

New Year's Resolution

Finish what I start

I have two full features that I have started and intend to finish (IN, HFSTIVAL), and one intended to start in the near future. I have a one act (FROZEN) and a play (ALL IN) that I have also started, and one may be written in class.
I have also decided right now to write something called YOUR SONG, based on the Elton John song. I don't know what, but I will write it.

On a higher level, I have plans, things I have set out in my mind as a TO DO List (Yes, there's a real list not just on my pants) and I will push forward to do so. Even if it's harder, I have to push harder.

And I need to pay attention more. Sometimes there are things that slip by that needed to get noticed before and for whatever reason they weren't. This is also finishing, or at least not slipping at the finish.

Super Spandex Boy, over and out

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