Saturday, September 03, 2005

Flava Flaaaaaaaav

so I guess it's a good time for an update now that I'm back in NY/Disneyland

now, coming up early meant that I would miss Green as I was immediately regretting missing this concert, Chris invites me to lunch. Now, some days you get Chipotle. some days you get chipotle then you get a milkshake as advised by jake. then some days you get chipotle, a milkshake and then go to the park and see Blondie and Public Enemy perform live.

oh ny. and yes, public enemy played and they were wonderous. but enough of that, here are pictures of the save cbgb's concert in its glory.

-- Here is Gavin Rosdale. He ain't no holla back girl...he also did Machine Head with his "new band" which is really just saying, hey I'm Gavin Rosdale and I'll always be Bush no matter who my band members are.

-- Here is a cat on someone's head. Yup. I love New York.

-- Here is Blondie. Mmm.

and the moment you've all been waiting for ... Mike D and Flaaaaaaaava Flaaaaav

now that that's done with, i'd like to point out that jonah saw green day, i saw public enemy and we're both going to see foozer in october. so to say that we're taking over the concert industry is an understatement.

ok, new update, please go see this and fall in love with kanye as i have. compliments to chris for finding it.

lets see, anything to to blog? um...if my phone wasnt being an asshole then i could upload pictures of what once was a hand cart that decided to break with 100 pounds of bulk groceries on it in jersey city. but alak....wait...wait for it...ok now its working. so here is a picture of what once was a hand cart but decided to break in jersey city. so while waiting for brandon and sushi to help us, dustin and i just got fed up and angry at the cart.

Anyway, here is a picture from MD of Mexicans pushing a car up the street. Just because.

I suppose that's all for now. Happy hunting.

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